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Trial Technology

Trial Concepts

Trials | Arbitrations | Meditations | Hearings | Mock Trials | CLE | Marketing Presentations

Trial Techs

Seasoned Trial Technicians ensure smooth and efficient video, document, graphical and animated presentations with proven apps.

Video Techs

Level-Headed Technicians using synched videos to efficiently cut designations, adjust videos on the fly and play in trial with linked exhibits.

Equipment Setup

Equipped with the latest technology to support and solve all your technology needs in the courtroom, war room and mock trial –  mediation – arbitration conference rooms so you can Focus on Strategy.


Custom Opening, Closing Mock Trial & Mediation PowerPoints, Timelines, Org Charts, Document Call-Outs, and Animations ensure maximum impact to your audience.


Trials Served


Video Hours Edited


AV Setups


Custom Graphics

Trial Concepts Courtroom image

We are presentation experts from Discovery through Victory. Our trial consultants will work with your trial team at every level – from preparing your State and Federal Court bench books, creating video designations, clipping surveillance/audio files with graphical appeal, setting up AV equipment, “hot-seat” operators, graphics and animation, assistance with Trial Director/OnCue, as well as rendering last-minute copies and blowups throughout trial.

  Trial Technician – “Hot Seat Operator”

Our Expert Trial Technicians have logged hundreds of weeks in the courtroom.  This gives us the experience you need to have the upper-hand in the courtroom.  While opposing counsel is looking for their exhibit to display on the ELMO, we have already pulled up their exhibit for our attorneys to review on our counsel table’s independent monitor.  In today’s technological world of social media – fast, smooth and efficient is expected.  We know we are best-in-class from our experiences in the courtroom – from the courtroom staff’s comments on our unique presentation performance to the bench-trial judge requests for us to pull up exhibits to clarify a witness’ testimony after counsels’ questioning.  If the court provides technology, use the best techs in the business to accomplish your goals.

Our trial presentation technology is a fantastic way of organizing and effectively controlling the flow of your case.  Certifications in Trial Director and On-Cue ensures the expertise needed to build these case databases efficiently – whether or not we are in trial with you.

Expert Trial Tech – No Longer a Luxury but a Necessity to Tell Your Story

Hot Seat Video

Trial Presentation Application

Video Editing Playback

Video Application in Trial

  Video Editing & Playback

Our video technicians use synched video (synching services provided) to cut designations based on page and line numbers rather than video times to significantly cut down editing time.  Synched video also allows the in-court video tech to adjust videos based on judge’s rulings the day you want to play the witness’ testimony.   If your budget does not warrant a seasoned trial tech for all days of trial, our video technicians can expertly play video designations with exhibits at an hourly rate.

Video Depositions – Expertly Executed as close to a Live Witness

Video Impeachment – Expertly Executed for Hostile Witness

  Equipment Rental & Setup

We provide you with the latest audio-visual equipment to ensure your trial,  hearing, arbitration, mediation, or mock trial setup is worry-free.  We also provide interactive Smart Boards to use for technical witnesses. Whether we execute a full equipment setup or only supplement equipment to the court’s already installed system, we have you covered.

Focus on Strategy – Not Technology

Equipment Setup in Trial

Client Created vs Enhanced PowerPoint Opening

Enhanced Opening Statement:
Client Created vs TC Enhancement


Our interaction in CLE’s, mock trial presentation, and opportunities to poll jurors all conclude this – stagnant templates provided with the PowerPoint application do not work!  We create custom Opening & Closing Statements into graphical and animated PowerPoints that creates interest for your audience.

Our PowerPoints are extremely effective in Mock Trials, Hearings, Mediations, Arbitrations, Client Presentations, CLE’s, and Business Development projects. Our experts can graphically translate your Word outlines to save time in your trial preparations, or we can  enhance (“jazz-up”) your existing Opening, Mock Trial or Expert PowerPoints to reduce costs.

Creation or Enhancement – Custom Graphic & Animated PowerPoints

 Demonstratives & Illustrations

Timelines, Organizational Charts, Document Call-Outs, Maps and Stock Medical Illustrations are the basic graphics necessary to explain simple topics. We offer these at flat-rate pricing and the option to place on a large exhibit board.

We can also customize these types of graphics with animation to explain the more detailed, complex facts and theories of your case.  If your audience cannot understand your facts, then they cannot be persuaded to accept your theory.  Unlike a jury, we are able to ask questions to understand your theory and sum up your points into a simple graphical presentation.  Animated graphics create interest while explaining your winning theory.

We use Google Earth Pro in conjunction with our custom graphics to create interactive maps that will not be objected to by opposing counsel for tort cases.

Stagnant vs Animated Graphic

Stagnant Demonstrative
Explanatory Animated Demonstrative

War Room Setup

  War Rooms

A war room is an essential part of any trial whether it is in your home town or in another city or state.  Your war room is the hub of your litigation.  You strategize, prepare for trial presentation, connect with your office, and prep witnesses for testimony.

Functionality is key of a great war room.  Trial Concepts has been providing courtroom setups as well as war room setups for over 10 years.  We provide turn-key setups for the benefit of our clients to make a seamless transition from the comfort of their office to the remote war room office.  We spec out equipment to meet our clients’ needs, from high speed copiers / printers to internet connections to shelving for your boxes and binders.  We do it all.

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